3 things to look for in a boiler or furnace replacement HVAC contractor

3 Things To Look For In A Boiler Or Furnace Contractor

Learn what makes a contractor high-quality, and one you should work with for your boiler or furnace replacement.

Written by
Doug Bernard
February 7, 2022

If you are looking to hire a boiler or furnace contractor, you know there are a few basic things you need to verify before you sign the contract. Obviously, you will want to hire a boiler or furnace contractor who is experienced and who also is licensed, bonded and insured. But it's also important to take the next step and look for a few more things before you hire a professional to do a boiler or furnace replacement.

Here are three questions you should consider when searching for a local boiler or furnace contractor:

Is the Pricing Transparent?

Comparing quotes for boiler or furnace installation cost can be difficult, because not all contractors price their jobs in a consistent manner. For example, you may receive a quote from one boiler or furnace contractor that includes the cost of permits as well as labor and parts. Another contractor may give you a quote that only includes the parts and labor. Then, later on in the process, you will be informed about the permits that are required and their subsequent costs. It's important to hire a local boiler or furnace contractor who gives you a fair and accurate boiler or furnace installation cost estimate. You need to feel confident that the price you receive at the time of the quote is what you will be paying. Tetra offers transparent pricing that gives you all of the information you need before you make a final decision.

Does the Contractor Provide You With a Point of Contact to Help With Rebate Applications and Scheduling?

Many times, when you invest in a new boiler or furnace system or you upgrade to an energy-efficient unit, you are eligible for certain rebates. It can be tricky to navigate the various rebates on your own, so it is helpful to hire a boiler or furnace contractor who can help get you the information you need. Working with a company that has a dedicated account manager can be a huge benefit to you, because the account manager will verify that you are eligible for the rebates, keep track of the deadlines and make sure that the rebate applications are submitted to the right organizations. Boiler and furnace rebates are notoriously particular, which can make it challenging for consumers to select a unit on their own and still qualify for the rebates. In addition to helping you keep track of rebate information, the account manager will schedule your boiler or furnace installation, walk-throughs and post-installation inspections. When you hire a boiler or furnace contractor through Tetra, our account managers provide all of these services at no additional cost to you.

What Happens After the Boiler or Furnace Replacement is Complete?

You should feel like the boiler or furnace contractor that you hire is going to be there to support you and your boiler or furnace equipment well into the future. You should consider hiring a boiler or furnace contractor who guarantees their work and also registers your system in order to activate your warranty. Ultimately, it's important to hire a contractor who can provide you with a point of contact at their company and provide you with instructions for what you should do in the event of an issue in the future.

These are less common questions that you may not think to ask a boiler or furnace contractor. However, when you go beyond the simple and obvious questions, you will find a boiler or furnace contractor who will make sure your boiler or furnace replacement is smooth, that the job fits within your budget and that the results will suit your lifestyle.

Tetra offers you all of these services easier, faster, and cheaper than any other contractor.  For more information, get an instant quote today for a replacement as soon as the next day.


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